Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Hampshire Notes #2

Been in the mountains for about a week. I can certainly admit that I did not come through the door and jump right on my guitar to write half a dozen great songs. It never works like that. I had to really get into a certain mood to feel good about working on some ideas. Finally, two days ago, I began to feel that "pull." It's a weird sense and attraction, like a magnet, to my instruments and notebook.

I have several strong ideas working right now and it's feeling pretty good. There is one tune in particular that I've been working well on, but I have not found a chorus for it that really clicks. The ideas are there, but it's not complete. The odd thing is I can almost feel the chorus coming, but I just can't seem to find it. Right now, it's a faint sketch in the distance. It's almost as if I am groping in the dark for something that I know is there. There is a particular combination of vocal melodies and guitar chords that will fit, eventually. At the moment, I have not been combining my ingredients in the right way to make this dish taste good-- and you just know when it tastes good.

The good news is, I can feel that the song is on its way. The ideas are floating there. It's a matter of pulling them down and assembling them into place, like a puzzle. Once the ideas of a song are settled and they fit together, I usually get a feeling in my stomach similar to that of being starving and then immediately sitting down for an amazing steak dinner at Peter Luger in Brooklyn. You can see the food right in front of you on the table that are you about to eat to fill your hunger. Have I provided enough analogies?

...More soon.



Wednesday, December 23, 2009

In New Hampshire

I have arrived to New Hampshire (White Mountain National Forest) and I'm hauled up in a ski bungalow with several guitars, microphones, computer(s), recording gear, books (novels), plenty of fire wood, wine, selected cheeses, guinness stout, jameson irish whiskey, and my songbook. New York is my home and my life, but having some time in reclusion is just what I need. The bustling of the City is what keeps me going, yet it can be that same bustling, which jumbles my thoughts, keeps me unfocused, and makes me anxious to get things done quickly in order to keep up. I have learned myself that "getting things done quickly" is never the right way, especially with songwriting and subsequent album-making.

So, I decided in November, around Thanksgiving, that I would leave my band behind in New York, temporarily, to travel to New Hampshire to really focus on flushing out my ideas and coming up with some melodies and lyrics that were well-crafted with the help of important elements like vino rosso and warm fires.

I built a grand fire last night, my first night, and it was while I was sitting there on the bricks with a glass of whiskey that I began to think clearly about the many song ideas I've put together since the summer. I was actually quite surprised that it was my eyes looking into the fire that led me to feel good about being in the mountains. Most of the time I hear something that inspires me. But, in solitude, I think one begins to draw from many sources because the man in solitude only has himself. There are no distractions. His "friends" become his eyes, hands, his thoughts, his ears. I know some of this sounds ridiculous and melodramatically poetic, like I'm some kind of Thoreau or Rousseau wanna-be. But, I can only explain what I feel. And, if those feelings yield great songs, then I will know what I write here in this blog entry is truth. If I come back to Brooklyn with a bag of frozen horse shit, then I will know this was all bullocks...But hopefully this will not be the case.

I have just made some coffee with cinnamon and have to attend to it. I'll keep you updated here as things progress this week and will add some more photos. I can say with all sincerity that I truly appreciate the love from you guys since being off the tour road while I've been working on this new album. It's been a longtime, but I decided I had to dedicate myself to getting something great out there for you...stay with me on this.

Much Love,